
Meet Patricia Carlucho. She is one of Uruguay's rising stars, at age 25 she has a long road ahead. Professional dancer, fitness instructor. Another beauty from El Rio de La Plata. We sat down with Patricia to see her views on the world cup, and most importantly her country URUGUAY, who is already in the quarterfinals of the Fifa World Cup.

Q & A

SF: The South American squads have demonstrated a great performance in the world cup so far. If the right results follow through, we could see Argentina and Uruguay in the finals. How do you see your Nation for the following matches?

PC: I agree with you. They are doing a great job, which is being reflected in the results. I really hope we can see both Argentina and Uruguay in the finals, it would be great to have a Rio Platense Nation win the cup, whether its Argentina or Uruguay. I see the players from Uruguay enjoying what they do, with great mental composure. They are leaving everything inside the pitch.

SF: What is the Uruguayan public to support the National Team?

PC: paa!!! haha we are doing a lot of things, I am sure they can feel the support we are offering. We are very happy to reach the quarterfinals, our energies are now focused on Ghana, I hope we win. We have a lot of faith!!!

SF: During the world cup many people make promises in case their team wins the world cup. Have you made any promises or are you planning on making one?

PC: Yes, of course I have, and I will reveal that on friday, before the match against Ghana.

SF: Tell us a bit about your current projects. What can we expect in the following months?

PC: I just signed a contract with BOOM DIOSA, the Uruguayan spectacle. It is the highest artistic show, and it has been the springboard for many of the vedettes that currently shine in Argentina. You cannot miss this. The grand opening will be on September 24th, in el Gran Teatro Metro. I am also working on a television show, but that I cannot reveal yet.

SF: Argentina hosts a stint of very successful Uruguayan vedettes, has it crossed your mind to move to Argentina? You sure meet the conditions!!!

PC:Well, Thank you. Of course, it is just a matter of time. And it is sometime I would like to do.

SF: Here is the question all our readers are probably waiting for. What is your ideal men? (We will pass you down some of the more interesting emails)

PC: My ideal men needs to have a good sense of humor, be a gentlemen, romantic and needs to be sincere. The physical aspect is secondary.

A special thanks to Patricia Carlucho and don't forget to visit her official website at, where you will find pictures, videos and a short bio.

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