
Interview with Sandro Rosell- pt.3

Posted by Juan Arango 6.01.2010

In part three of our interview with Sandro Rosell, we talk about issues that hit home to Miami and Barcelona fans.  Rosell talkes about his plans to reduce the debt as well as his intentions to see how the club can take advantage of the United States in the near future.  

Joan Laporta started the inclusion of advertisement in the kits. Will this continue during the Rosell Administration?
Our project is to continue and potentiate our collaboration with UNICEF. The insertion of commercial advertisement in the kits of many clubs responds to an economic need. In our case, the values, philosophy and our altruistic dedication to the club are the priorities that justify our relationship with UNIEF. Our proposal is not just to continue sponsoring UNICEF. We also want to take this relationship to the next level when it comes to resources and social action.

The people in Miami were hyped when Barca showed interest in having a tie with the MLS. Will the Rosell administration retake on this project and what will the stipulations be to make this a reality?
At this moment, it is not in our plans to re-launch the project with the MLS. However, we do not close any doors for the future. Right now we have other priorities, and must focus on the important needs of the club.
The estimated debt of the club is at almost €498 millions (excluding the money for Ibrahimovic). What are your plans to reduce that number?
In short term the club has the capacity to generate 20-30 million Euros a year without having to sell to balance the accounts. To reach this objective, we have identifies a detailed action program to increase our revenues. For example the internationalization of the club.
But we also must implement a policy to control the spending, especially those that generate various exploits. This is something that has grown drastically in the last few years.
We will also implement a new policy for the buy/sale of players, studying and planning, to limit the investment and taking care of the contributions of the youth divisions.
Everything mentioned will contribute to a more stable and stronger economy.

With this in mind. How do you plan on balancing the debt and bringing quality signing for all the teams in the club?

By generating large investments that will reduce the debt dramatically and that allows us to make the necessary signings. We will implement a policy for signings that does not feed inflation, putting a priority on players with future, and not those who are on the top of the their career. The example of Lionel Messi would be the best.

What do you plan on doing in regards to the renovations to the Camp Nou that were postponed?
The Foster Project does not correspond with the needs of El Estadi, neither does it fit withi the economic reality of the club. Instead, our proposal advocates a in-depth remodeling of the Camp Nou, improving the fundamental aspects of the comfort and functionality of the stadium. Thing like the elevators, restrooms, and the improvement of the accessibility for the handicapped. Our project proposes a  global remodeling that will transform the Camp Noun into one of the best stadiums in the world at the integral level and not so much in the esthetic.

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